Sticks and Stones…

As a child I used to love idioms and fixed expressions. I still enjoy them today, but I tend to lean towards the more adult and meaningful expressions of language. But even now I can still remember the games I used to play as a child, and to accompany them, the wonderful and weird phrases we would say as children. One phrase that I used to use, my childhood friends used to use, and many children (and some adults) today use is that old “adage” for want of a better word, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’

The reason I say I want a better a word than adage, and I’m sure there is one but I’m just to lazy to sift through my dictionary and thesaurus, is because adage indicts some truth about the saying. And in all seriousness I don’t think that saying has any real true meaning, except that sticks or stones if used particularly viciously will break bones, or at least bruise or tear skin. But the words bit is completely wrong.

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